Friday, January 20, 2006

Like a lizard

I've been throwing birthday parties for cats*,

helping out at Music Day Camp**,

varnishing the kitchen floor***

and deciding not to go marroning, because the season is so short that there'll be none left**** by the time we get there after the Music Camp concert.

* ok, cat (singular) and this is not a party hat, it's a cone to stop her picking her stiches out. The glazed look, however, is actually drug induced.
** actual recent photograph of campers
***why else would you?
****due to interlopers behaving like "bloody shags on a rock" -Bill.


Fluffy said...

i hope i didn't give you shiny floor envy.

enjoy music camp! keep a close eye on the girls with flutes.

Fred said...

ha! that picture of the cat with the pacifying neck-cone is adorable.

you must excuse my recent blogging hiatus... I've been shacked up in a mountain hut (sans internet access) with various members of the "headland" cast.

BEVIS said...

I hope you're coming back one day, Quirkie.

In other news ... I've tagged you. However, feel free to disregard it if memes are not your thing. Cheers.

*runs away*

Quirkie said...

Hey Bevis! I found out you tagged me by reading your blog. Which shows I really could spend more time at my own...