Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Paralysed by dithering

Here's the thing: I totally have things to blog about. Oh yeah. But I *caaan't* (whiny voice) because: Two of my four readers either (a) know who I'm talking about or (b) are who I'm talking about. So I'm left talking about people who I don't even know (and therefore have very little to say about) or don't matter to me (ditto). Actually, the people I talk about don't actually read this blog, but THEY MIGHT oneday, and this thought horrifies me.

What do all the really worldly, older, more experienced bloggers do about this dilemma, I wonder?

Do they throw caution to the wind, and discuss the intimate details of their closest relationships and bugger the consequences?

Or do they instead keep abreast of all the latest global and local political happenings and blog knowledgably on those?

I suspect it's a bit of both.

However, being both a coward and an ignoramus, I am a little stuck.


hazelblackberry said...

Oh who cares about current events?? PEOPLE are much more interesting.

Quirkie said...

Oh they are, of course. But one can only say nice things about one's family, because their company will long out-live the blog. And I feel so petty blogging about people I don't know, because only the really caustic stuff is entertaining. er. But then, they'll never read it, so being petty is ok then, isn't it? Like, if a blog is posted in the woods and there's no-one to read it...?

Levi H said...

Great post thank yoou