Thursday, March 17, 2005

On poetry, or the lack thereof

So I basically haven't been blogging anything because of this general sense of malaise for which I mostly blame Sweedums. Sweedums asked me to write an ode. Within the same week, the Dalai Maharishi, coincidentally, suggested that I write a happy poem, helpfully suggesting that happy poems are really difficult to write without being sentimental.

Coming from the Dalai Maharishi, I naturally believe this.

And to prove him absolutely wrong, I thought I would write an Ode to Happiness.

My plan was to look for moments in my life when I feel really happy, and then distill those moments into poetry.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey dude! I didn't mean it to be a pressure thing....if I recall, I said "would you like to?"! Chill Quirkie, it's okay. My own personal happiness, for example, to other people's eyes, looks like misery! (Go figure.) So I guess that means you can write whatever you want in your own "ode to happiness".