Monday, February 05, 2007

hello? testing... testing... one tttwwwoo... ttwwwooo


before i expose myself and assorted others to further wanton ... exposure

could someone please tell me if they (or you) can see my unadulterated email address at the top of this page?

i mean, i think only i can see it.

and normally, that would be a thing i wouldn't want to happen, you know, becasue of all the psycho-baggage that sort of thing normally carries, but just for now i want to be the only person who can see what i see.

and then i'll get around to sharing amongst all three of us how this whole pregnancy gig is going. tell me you've been dying to hear.

this offer expires in 2.5 weeks



Rodney Olsen said...

I'm guessing you mean in the Blogger Navbar. That will show you your own email address if you're logged in. In fact you'll see your own address in other people's Navbars too. You're the only one who'll see it.

Rodney Olsen said...

PS: Good to see you posting again. :)

Amanda Hunt said...

Nope, I can only see mine. Congrats on the pregnancy, your posts are always fun! Hope the morning/all the time sickness goes fast and your theisis comes together ok.

hazelblackberry said...

My goodness, you're back. Will call soon. No, really, I mean it.

Quirkie said...

Hi Rodney! Thanks for that. Yes, i did mean the navbar. Silly me. My brain, you know, she no work so good.

Amanda, dear you, thanks for your thoughts. Morning sickness long gone now. Thesis also, thankfully.

HB: So you were the third one :) See you soon I hope.