Saturday, November 24, 2007

Old chip, new chip, woodchip

When it comes down to choosing between:

One must strive to remind oneself of the privilege of living in a liberal democracy. Oh the freedom! Oh the choice!

What bugs me about these guys is that the future they haggle over is measured in 3-year blocks.

So I've decided to vote for someone who knows how long it takes to grow a jarrah tree, or a person.

Problem is, you can't get much more ideologically different than The Greens and Family First. But a vote for either at least says something about something. Which, in this election, would be nice.


kranki said...

I remember when the US was still a democracy. I think we're now just a corporatocracy masquerading as military dictatorship.

Grump Les Tiltskin said...


Current Affair/Today Tonight


Duopolistic no-choice is Australia's creed.